There is Nothing Remotely Surprising About Donald Trump
All of this is completely normal and if you don't think so it's because you live in a fantasy
Donald Trump has shocked, shocked! apparently well-educated liberals the world over by doing such things as appointing a cabal of fascist billionaires to government positions, threatening to take over or intervene in neighbouring countries, enshrining conservative ideas about race and gender into law, and doing dipshit nationalist stunts like renaming the Gulf of Mexico. I don’t understand how we’ve gotten to a place where literate people who pay attention to the news haven’t noticed that the US has always been a belligerent reactionary empire run by fascist billionaires. What did you think was going on?! Did you think America’s two political parties were both imperialist conservative parties for no reason? Like it’s just a wacky coincidence that the US has been militarily involved in 191 out of the 194 countries recognized by the UN? Did you think the oligarchs who control the economy of the US didn’t own its political system? Did we all forget that the US fought the Nazis with racially segregated troops? It makes me feel insane; I really need everyone to stop acting like they’re in the fucking sixth grade.
The thing that’s unprecedented about Donald Trump isn’t that he’s a Nazi clown. The history of the American empire is full of disgusting psychos motivated by insane greed, unchecked megalomania and a deep-seated hatred of people with real jobs. The difference is that most of these monsters have believed in maintaining some kind of half-assed pretense at democracy or civility or whatever and Trump delights in not having to. Donald Trump is in no way an aberration from normal American politics. He is the embodiment of normal American politics, with the mask taken off and abandoned. Normal American politics consists of naked class rule by the capitalist elite, plastered in American flags and covered in the blood of poor people and foreigners. He gets off on being totally open about American oligarchy and American empire, and that is the only real difference between him and any other evil creep that might have slithered into the Oval Office.
All of us, Americans and non-Americans alike, need to snap out of whatever liberal delusion we’ve been hypnotized by and recognize reality. Americans must accept once and for all that the political system under which they are ruled at the federal level is not a democracy but an administrative apparatus by which deeply antihuman business interests control the country. Both parties are not only unwilling but fundamentally unable to represent the interests of working Americans because their capture by elites is total. The ebb and flow of the culture war is a circus and the people running the circus are entirely hostile to normal human beings. Any attempt to herd people back into the Democratic camp must be resisted because it is not only futile but actively works against the interests of workers just as MAGA does. People in other Western countries need to work on extricating ourselves from the American empire however we can, starting with excising the traitors and quislings who rule us on behalf of the Americans and breaking the power of our own elite classes by seizing and nationalizing their property. We cannot afford to keep this up.
And most of all we all need to become very serious about loyalty to our class. Because above all else, this is a class conflict and always has been. We need, in all our messaging and all our art and all our organizing and all our slogans and in everything we do politically and socially, to constantly inculcate in ourselves and others an accurate understanding of class. There can be no more confusion in people’s minds about who their enemies are. We need a massive and sustained revitalization of class politics, by any means necessary. Ideologically it is the only thing that can break the spell of the culture war circus and materially it is the only thing that can threaten the power of oligarchy. It is our only real weapon.
And further: it’s not enough to just explain to people about their class interests, or tell them why CEOs are meanies, or give them the details of the corporate agenda or whatever. All that is fine but people need to be made to feel a nauseated disgust for their rulers. We need to show them that the people in charge of everything getting worse and worse are not just bad people, they are completely twisted and corrupted by their wealth and power until they are barely even human. Their wealth makes them inhuman and makes it so that they live in a different reality, a reality constructed out of the subjugation of normal people, and they can only be redeemed by making them human again and bringing them back to reality, and that can only be done by rescuing them from their wealth.
But in the meantime what are they? Sick and sickening monsters; sadistic aristocrats wandering from one outrageous sin to another. They are incestuous rapists, pedophiles and kidnappers, of course -- witness the Diddy trial or Trump’s disgusting treatment of his daughter or the Epstein child rape circuit -- but their tastes run stranger still. They clutch their dicks while they order the destruction of unions, when they offshore jobs that is them stealing your underwear to sniff. When they tell their pet journalists to inject their views into the media ecosystem that is them ejaculating into your hair in secret. They love to hurt you and they get off on it. They stuff their assholes with your suffering and they rub themselves raw thinking about how you are nothing at all.
The assassination of the UnitedHealth vampire was shocking to the whole establishment because the entire population of the US immediately was like fuck that guy. Talking heads and pundits from the New York Times to the far right were trying to get people to condemn this act of senseless Marxist terror and instead absolutely everyone was like go fuck yourself, people like him deserve to die in the street like a fucking rat, or at the very least, expecting me to give a shit about people like him dying in the street like a fucking rat is a completely absurd. It revealed a gaping chasm between the genteel clucking of the media goblins and the permanent water table of rage in the population at large.
That rage is organic because people can be as brainwashed and misdirected and uneducated and zoned out and softened up as you like but they will still be able to notice that some fucked up monsters have effectively infinite money which they scrape out of normal people like you or I scrape the flesh out of an avocado for our Millennial toast. They will also be able to notice this in a much more specific and immediate way when a corporation is extracting hundreds or thousands of dollar from them every month in exchange for the promise to maybe kind of pay for some of it if they ever get sick but don’t get your hopes up. It’s a state of affairs so evil and sadistic and self-evidently immoral that everybody knows Jesus would have been whipping the insurance CEOs if they had been set up in the Temple. We can and must tap into this organic rage at the vampire class.
Live in reality. Stop being shocked by evil American elites doing the shit they’ve always done and were always going to do. Forget whatever fairy tales you believed about liberals. Join a socialist organization and a union. Abandon the culture war completely. Express your vitriolic loathing for the ruling class at every opportunity. And I promise you this: with determination and a little luck, we will put some of these fucking freaks in prison before they manage to completely destroy the biosphere.