The air outside is thick with smoke. Quebec is on fire, with hundreds of completely uncontrolled wildfires burning across the province, the smoke wafting all the way down to New York City. I’ve never even heard of uncontrolled wildfires happening in this part of Canada. Biking back from work I kept coughing and my eyes were burning by the time I got home. Another new normal for us all to get used to, I guess.
As usual I feel like I’m taking fucking crazy pills. The planet is being literally torched by a caste of demented criminals drunk as shit on power and privilege. They own everything and employ everyone and take all the money and buy all the political parties. They sit with their buddies on their yachts and in their hyper-exclusive restaurants and congratulate themselves on their disgusting wealth. They have whole armies of staff to run their empires for them, manage their money, make moves and manoeuvres. And they’re always getting what they want.
But what they want doesn’t fucking matter. I’m so sick of it. We don’t need them and they don’t need all the money and power in the universe. I don’t want to just accept that their class completely dominates everything and everyone. I’m repulsed by them. Watching them talk on TV is like watching a psychopath calmly eating someone alive. Oh, you’re making it easier for your landlord friends to charge poor people made-up fees with no oversight? Oh, you’re privatizing healthcare so the guys you went to school with can buy it up and sell it back to cancer patients and pregnant ladies? Oh, you’re completely loyal to the interests of the most disgusting people in the country? For their own good and everyone else’s they need to be given a time out, or maybe shot into space.
I dissociate from this rage for long periods because it makes me feel insane but the giant fucking clouds of smoke outside my window make it hard to keep calm and carry on. These people are our enemies. What they want is bad for us and it always will be. They don’t deserve our rent money, or the profit our labour generates, or the lucrative government contracts they use to siphon off our tax dollars. They don’t deserve to control the lives of every private sector worker and they don’t deserve to have their little minions run the state.
I’m tired of going on with my life while these absolute ghouls shit in their golden toilets. It makes no goddamn sense and I’m exhausted with how crazy it is. These people should be despised by everybody. They shouldn’t be able to leave their yachts without fearing for their lives. Every journalist, academic, screenplay writer, teacher, artist, musician and fucking graffiti kid should be relentlessly pointing out this simple fact: the rich are disgusting and we should take all their shit.